Intercruises is thrilled to announce the release of its 5th consecutive United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Communication on Progress document, which details our business’ commitment to upholding and promoting the principles set out by the UNGC during FY2017/2018.
Click here to download the latest document.
Since 2012, Intercruises has been an active participant of the United Nations Global Compact Initiative, a principle-based framework dedicated to the implementation of better business practices, primarily in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption encouraging business to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and to report on their implementation.
“During FY17/18, we have, and continue to be, absolutely committed to integrating UNGC goals and principles within our business strategy. The latest report details the progress we have made since joining the initiative, and demonstrates exactly how we´re continuing on the right path to achieving the necessary targets by 2030. We´re very excited to continue our involvement with the UNGC, and we really look forward to seeing the big differences we have yet to make in the future!”
Andrea Gonzalez Romero, Sustainable Development Executive
For more information regarding our ongoing commitment to sustainability, please contact our Sustainability Department.
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